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5.Sınıf İngilizce Online Sınav Çözün

Bu Sınavı ÇözenYakup Berat Köse
Sınıf: 5.Sınıf
Dersler: İngilizce
Soru Sayı: 15
Hazırlayan: Yakup Berat Köse
DiğerYorumlar - Yorum Yaz - Yönetime Bildir
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Yakup Berat Köse1050563 (Orta)%56

1) Turkish flag is ______ and ______.

     A) orange / blue
     B) red / blue
     C) red / white
     D) black / white

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boş bırakılan yerlere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
2) Michael : Excuse me sir, - - - -?
Clark : Go straight ahead. Then turn right. It’s on your left.

     A) how can I go to the municipality
     B) are you in the city centre
     C) what is there near you
     D) when does the bus stop

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3) Steve : Hey, dad. where is mum? She isn’t at home.
Dad : - - - -. She needs some vegetables for dinner.

     A) She is at the supermarket
     B) She likes going to the library
     C) She is at home
     D) She goes to the bakery

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boş bırakılan yerlere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz
4) Kate : Hello, is Sarah at home?
Jane : No, she isn’t.
Kate : - - - -?
Jane : She is at the cinema

     A) where is she
     B) How old is she
     C) How is she today
     D) where is she from

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5) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi ülke değildir

     A) TURKEY
     B) SPAİN
     C) NORWAY
     D) ITALY
     E) BOOK

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6) Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi doğru yazılmıştır?

     A) How many is a pencil?
     B) How much are two glue?
     C) I need two pencils and three earesers.
     D) She need a file-folder and paper clip.

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7) Aşağıda kelime dizileri verilmiştir. Hangi seçenekte örüntüyü bozmayan ifade olduğunu bulunuz.

     A) Japan - China - Spanish - Turkey - England
     B) student - pencil - city - teacher - school
     C) curly - wavy - straight - finger - fair
     D) sunday - friday - saturday - tuesday

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8) Ankara is the ______ city.

     A) region
     B) country
     C) people
     D) capital

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9) John: where are you from?
Ali: I am from ...

     A) Türkish
     B) Azerbaijan
     C) Türkey
     D) Azerbaijani

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10) Hi! My name ..... Maggie.I'm from Greece and I'm Greek.

     A) I'm
     B) İs
     C) They
     D) Are
     E) They

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boş bırakılan yerlere uygun gelen kelime ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
11) Edward : Excuse me, - - - -?
Clara : No, but there is a café on the corner of the street

     A) do you often go to the restaurant
     B) what time do you have a snack
     C) is there a restaurant near here
     D) where is the nearest café

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verilen cümleyi ifade eden görselin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
12) She is in the bakery at the moment.


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13) Tourist : Excuse me, how can I go to the
city museum?
Police officer : - - - -. It’s on your right.

     A) There is a toy shop behind the city hall
     B) The stationery is next to the school
     C) Go straight ahead and turn left
     D) You are in the Tulip street

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14) What does the sign above mean?

     A) Take the first left
     B) Take the second left
     C) Take the second right.
     D) Take the first right.

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15) There is a library between the school and the museum.


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